Jim Cathcart is a best selling author of 18 books and a member of the Sales & Marketing Hall of Fame for his work in advancing the concept of Relationship Selling™. He has delivered over 3,100 speeches worldwide and served as president of the National Speakers Association. His company helps people develop the confidence and skill to grow their small businesses into profitable enterprises. Jim is the first Entrepreneur In Residence at the Center for Entrepreneurship, School of Management, California Lutheran University.
“my best advice is do what you do with integrity. Be real, tell the truth, do what works not what you think is going to look good. If the truth is that what you are doing is not worth much then don’t charge much for it. If the truth is that what you are doing is worth a fortune then find a way to respectfully get the value that you are worth. In other words, raise prices, charge what you are worth and package yourself appropriately… truth is at the core of everything… The truth will set you free… that’s true and that’s what an entrepreneur needs. An entrepreneur needs feedback. It’s like in Bill Gates’s book ‘Business at the speed of thought’ he said bad news must travel fast. Well absolutely because as a business owner if there is bad news about my business I want to know it right now before it is too late to do anything about it”…[Listen for More]
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Ghostwriter Derek Lewis literally wrote the book on how to write a business book. He’s worked with business authors around the world, from economists with the International Monetary Fund to entrepreneurs working with Google. Through his Ghostpreneur Academy, he’s coached ghostwriters from Italy to Argentina.
“be smart but at the same time believe that it is possible. We live in a world, this hasn’t always been true whenever you look at the history of mankind, but today for most people in developed countries, and in certain instances even in developing economies, we live in a world where we can make our own rules, we live in a day and age where the resources on the opportunities are so widespread that even people who come from nothing can really create a life that they want. It is an incredible time to be alive and number one we should be grateful for that number two we should damn well not squander the opportunity”…[Listen for More]
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After working in high tech for 20 years, Hansel Lynn decided to move on from the world of corporate America and bought a School of Rock franchise. Shortly after, Hansel realized that instead of teaching rock music, a similar model could be used to teach coding. Combining his technical background and newly found children’s education background was the perfect storm that led him to found theCoderSchool.
“don’t just chase the money like you are ‘supposed to’. Don’t forget to chase the experience. There is nothing wrong with a lifestyle business…So I would challenge your listeners to do a ‘would you rather’ type of game. So in 10 years would you rather have done well in your business, say 10 million dollars in the bank but you totally had to slug through it, you had to work you 100 hour weeks, you missed you kids games, you gained some weight, you got some high blood pressure but you got 10 million dollars or would you rather have a life style business?”…[Listen for More]
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Mark Magnacca, President and co-founder of Allego, has spent the last 15 years helping sales leaders shorten sales cycles and distribute their best ideas faster. He has worked as a presentation coach with a wide range of financial service companies by delivering innovative, practice-development and business-building strategies. Mark is the author of “So What? How To Communicate What Really Matters to Your Audience.” His work has been featured in numerous media outlets including Fox TV, The New York Times and The Boston Globe. Prior to co-founding Allego, Mark founded Insight Development Group, Inc., a leading sales and presentation training firm specializing in the Financial Services industry. As a former financial advisor, Mark brings a unique perspective to the world of consultative selling. Mark is a graduate of Babson College and resides in the Boston area.
“my best advice to other entrepreneurs is it is really important to love what you’re doing, and it doesn’t mean that you are going to love every moment of it or every single day but on average in my experience it is really important to believe and to know that there is some way that you are either making the world a better place or that you are working for something bigger than just the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow so to speak. Because in the long arc of a career, particularly as an entrepreneur even doing multiple different things I believe you have got to have it be about something bigger than just the money. And so my advice would be make sure that the thing that you choose is something that you are committed to, that you would be willing to stick with it longer than what you think because chances are you have an optimistic bias, as I know I have, and things likely do take longer than you thought they would originally”…[Listen for More]
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Having been an entrepreneur for 30 years, Tom Jackobs has been through a few challenges. He's definitely had more failures than successes, and he wouldn’t have it any other way. He sold my fitness business which I owned for 9 years a year ago to start teaching other entrepreneurs how to use story to sell. He also quickly realized that most small business owners don’t follow up with their leads, so he started teaching them how to create follow up system so they could have a conversation to share their story and make more sales. With his degree in theatre he is able to help his clients create a performance out of their presentations so it’s not the same boring presentation audiences are unfortunately used to seeing. He's been a contributor to CBS Radio in Houston, a guest on Great Day Houston, Univision, Fox 26 News and The CW Houston. He's also a presenter at the Small Business Development Center (SBDC) in Houston.
“Ask for help before you need it. That is just really critical. Get the help early on if you are wantrapreneur and just starting in business. Talk to other people who have done it before. Get a mentor, get a coach and they will save you tons of wasted money and time to get your product or idea to market”…[Listen for More]
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Robert Rawson is a former medical doctor turned Entrepreneur. He has started several successful and failed businesses ventures. Now he is the founder and CEO for Time Doctor and Staff.com which are Software-as-a-service businesses with 7 figure revenue and over 50% yearly growth. They have over 5000 customers, 25,000 employees using the software. These companies are completely remote with over 60 people working full time in 28 countries.
“…go for a bigger goal than you thought was possible. Also really to really examine what is going to make a difference in the world through your business, and to really have some alignment around that”…[Listen for More]
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): Jodi Pliszka & Jess Pliszka are professionals in helping people get unstuck and are both experts in how the mind works. More than 60 million people from 22 different countries have been inspired and motivated by their mindset strategies. They have been featured on ABC’S American Inventor TV Show, Lifetime TV’s Health Corner, ABC, NBC, FOX, CBS news, Forbes, Entrepreneur, M Magazine, and other media outlets, globally.
“…follow your passion, because if you follow your passion then the money is going to follow and you are going to have lasting success. And I think the big thing is you have to set those goals, create that plan in order to achieve it. That how am I going to do it is the easy part but getting there that’s what takes a lot of time and effort; and it is worth it…. Perseverance is not enough to keep you going, you need to have all those components and all that information presented to you in the right order at the right time in your life to be able to make those lasting changes. So make sure you are well educated on whatever it is that you are trying to accomplish and whatever you are trying to do. In the last piece of advice is use a coach or consultant”…[Listen for More]
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James Millar is the author of Building Bridges: The Case for Executive Peer Networks (July 2018) . He is founder and president of SkyBridge Associates. James believes in the power of great conversations, and his firm creates the platforms leaders need to build authentic relationships and share valuable insights with each other. Since 2004, James has led more than 150 round-table meetings for networks of executives and board directors in the United States, Canada, and Europe.
“Focus on why you’re doing it, if you’re an entrepreneur just because you think you’re going to make a lot of money or you think you’re going to have some romanticised view of what being an entrepreneur is, I think that’s the wrong reason. I think if you have something you want to do for the world, if you believe that you have a certain set of talents as we all do by the way that you want to share with the world, then an entrepreneurial platform is the best way to do it”…[Listen for More]
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A productivity coach and host of Crusher™ TV, Alan Brown teaches productivity hacks to crazy-busy professionals and entrepreneurs. Alan is also an internationally recognized speaker, including TEDx, and the #1 Best-Selling author of “Zen and the Art of Productivity.”
“Everybody thinks they don’t have their bleep together, I think it’s such an important thing for people to know, I come from a background of a learning disability, past drug addiction and a lot of other messy stuff and I’ve always had this notion that I don’t have my shit together, I recently attended a conference and they put out these big white boards and then handed everyone stickies with pens and each board said nobody has their shit together and so everyone would just write an admission, a confession of how they don’t have their shit together so here you have a thousand people who are all very successful or on their way there and then you start to read these stickies and you realies that nobody has their shit together, people like I haven’t filed my taxes in 3 years, I’m late for everything, I feel like a complete failure, I feel this is especially important for our entrepreneur tribe because as we struggle and we’re trying to build this business and we have constant doubts and challenges etc and you think that maybe you don’t have your shit together just know that nobody else does either, even the most successful people”…[Listen for More]
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Jenny Hernstad makes custom made edible chocolate Piñatas or LA SmashCakes. They are chocolate domes filled filled with candy and decorated with more chocolate and candy. It's like a pinata - except the entire SmashCake is edible. You get to smash your cake and eat it too! Each SmashCake comes with a mallet to smash.
“Plan, plan, plan; It may not seem important but that business plan is everything. Start off with something simple and tweak it from there, my business plan was not even a page long and now it’s probably 5 pages. Planning is the most important start to any company”…[Listen for More]
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As former startup entrepreneurs and VCs from Silicon Valley, husband-and-wife team Malcolm Collins and Simone Collins raised money from a community of investors to search for, acquire, and run a single company. They ultimately acquired and now run Travelmax, a collection of travel wholesale and management agencies.
“don’t delude yourself with your emotions or your sentimentality, be practical about what you do”…[Listen for More]
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Zach Supalla is the co-founder and CEO of Particle, a venture-backed startup that’s making it easier to build internet-connected hardware. Particle is the most widely-used IoT platform, with 8,500 companies and 140,000 developers building products with Particle.
“I think the most important thing is to be resilient. First of all get started. There is a lot of folks who would like to be entrepreneurs and the thing that is keeping them from doing it is that there are always other things to do that are more pressing than actually start your company… We all have an opportunity to put ourselves in the circumstances where entrepreneurship is possible. And at the end of the day you don’t do that then you will never get there. You have to just take a leap and do it. Then when you have done that the journey of entrepreneurship is a rollercoaster and there are incredible days and there are terrible days. And every terrible day is a great day to quit. And the best way to not get end of the journey that you are shooting for is to quit somewhere along the way. So I think being resilient and building a support network so that you can make it through the hardest days, and that there are people around you and behind you who are egging you on so that on those hardest days you decide to keep going – think that is the most important thing that separates successful entrepreneurs from those who aren’t able to make it”…[Listen for More]
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Martin Verwijmeren is co-founder and CEO of MP Objects, a leading multi-enterprise cloud platform for digital order management and supply chain orchestration with offices in Boston, Rotterdam, Tokyo and Hyderabad. He was previously vice president of IT for CEVA Logistics. He has a PhD in distributed object technology for integral inventory management from Eindhoven University of Technology
“Look at the stars, understand your once in a lifetime opportunity and dream away and also dare to fear, there is a fear of not acting on your dream to be an entrepreneur and succeed and the fear to act upon it and maybe fail or succeed and once you discover that the fear of not acting is way higher than the fear of acting you have found your sweet spot then step in and enjoy living your dream”…[Listen for More]
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Tom Meyers is an osteopath, body-centred stress expert, founder of the ‘Reaset Approach’ and author of “Futurize Yourself”. He is a global communicator, teacher, researcher and therapist with a mission to empower people to live well and thrive in body, mind and spirit in a fast-changing world.
“Align your business with whom you are born to be. So find your potential within and find the gifts within to help humanity strive in a fast changing world… If it is technology, when you are developing technology that is changing the world also start thinking about how is that also going to change humanity, how can I implement something that will better humanit…how to prepare humanity for the changes that you are bringing so that we can stay human and that we can thrive all together”…[Listen for More]
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Bill Cates, author of 'Get More Referrals Now', 'Beyond Referrals', and “Radical Relevance” is the founder of The Cates Academy for Relationship Marketing. Bill works with entrepreneurs, sales executives, and sales professionals increase revenue without increasing marketing expenses.
“Focus focus focus, entrepreneurs tend to be generally speaking pretty creative people, some of us are ADD, some of us more than others and that whole idea of focus, I’ll tell you sometimes I wish I had people following me around slapping my wrist saying no don’t look at that focus on this”…[Listen for More]
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Dina Behrman is a journalist-turned-publicity coach who works with entrepreneurs to get them seen and heard in the press. Through her PR packages and programmes she empowers coaches and consultants to use publicity to share their message, help more people and grow their business exponentially.
“Leap before you’re ready because sometimes you just have to take that leap, you just have to have faith that things are going to work out and you can’t wait for the perfect conditions and in terms of being ready to go out there and get publicity leap before you’re ready don’t wait for everything to be perfect, get out there and start taking action whether that’s submitting an article, sending off a press release, contacting a podcast, whatever it is leap before you’re ready”…[Listen for More]
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William Rhind is the Founder and CEO of GraniteShares, an exchange-traded fund company based in New York City. In 2016, Will Rhind challenged himself to find a way to do things differently. As a 16-year veteran of the ETF industry with experience working at, building and running, well-established successful ETF businesses, he made a keen observation: investing just isn’t as exciting as it once was. Will asked himself is how do you bring back that excitement? As an experienced entrepreneur, he decided to answer that question by launching his own ETF company - GraniteShares was born. Will’s focus on disrupting the financial industry has taken GraniteShares from an idea to a successful start-up garnering the attention of Bain Capital and other well-known ETF investors who support his passion to create products that will change the way people see investing. Will spends his time outside of GraniteShares with his wife and three children. He’s on the Board of Directors of the Bath University Foundation, has a passion for classic cars, Manchester United, and travel - especially back to his roots in Aberdeen, Scotland, “The Granite City”.
“Don’t wait, what I mean by that is that when I look back on my career, while I’m incredibly fortunate to be doing what I’m doing, at some level I maybe could have branched out on my own sooner and there are really no good reasons as to why there’s never a perfect time to set up your own business. I sometimes say to people don’t over think it, just get on with it there’s never a perfect time”…[Listen for More]
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Deborrah Ashley, known for showing people how to leverage their “IT” Factor, helps her clients package and position their expertise and ideas into high value offers. Nearly 4 years ago Deborrah left the corporate world after a 2 decade career to live out her purpose and hasn’t looked back since. She is consultant, educator and advocate for women over 40 who are ready to impact the world.
“My best advice is something that I’ve said before don’t overlook what you know already or what you have been through because that is something that others can really benefit from”…[Listen for More]
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Alex Fedotoff is one of the leading Facebook advertising strategists for e-commerce brands. His agency AF MEDIA helps brands to scale massively using results-oriented direct response advertising. Huffington post calls him one of the foremost Facebook advertising experts in the world and The Next Web calls him a marketing specialist with one of the highest ROI-producing Facebook formulas amongst advertisers.
“I see some businesses that are very successful already but they just do too many things…Whatever you do it is just constantly how do I make it more focused, how do I make it more simpler, just constantly optimising your business and stripping everything that does not get any value. And at the same time know why you are in the business.”… If you are doing something with a segment of the market that is not very affluent or that has a lot of customer support issues or whatever then maybe it is time to find another segment of the market that is more profitable, that is better to serve”…[Listen for More]
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Beau Henderson is a retirement consultant, money and business coach, best-selling author, radio host, and CEO of RichLife Advisors. He has helped over 3,000 clients to not just improve their relationship with money, but to live their unique definition of a fulfilled life with purpose.
“business is like a school, and in this life school of business there is a couple of precepts…There is no mistakes only valuable lessons. Each time a lesson is not learned it will be repeated… Each time a lesson is repeated it becomes more painful…we all have this curriculum in life…in business even the good can become the bad…there is truly something positive there and that is that there is a lesson”…[Listen for More]
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Casey Kuhlman is the CEO of Monax Industries, an open platform for small businesses to create, prove, and operate their legal agreements. Prior to co-founding Monax, Kuhlman was the head of legal information systems at the U.S. Open Data Institute.
“Just do it is my best advice … Be heads down. Deliver value and then talk about it rather than reversing those two. And then think very very clearly about what you are doing. And then finally build a team that disputes you and that complements you in a manner that is not becoming yes humans”…[Listen for More]
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Robert Finlay is founder and Chief Executive Officer of Lyra Intel, a CRE business intelligence solution designed to unlock property revenue potential. Lyra integrates with property management systems to provide actionable data within its state-of-the-art business intelligence platform. Rob is a serial entrepreneur who has concentrated on developing technology to optimize various facets of commercial real estate. Over the past 25 years, he has launched several tech startups. In 2000, Rob founded Commercial Defeasance (DefeaseWithEaseTM) disrupting the industry with a one stop solution for a complex commercial real estate process. DefeaseWithEase is responsible for thousands of expedited defeasance transactions across North America. Seven years later, Rob parlayed this success into another CRE disruptor with the launch of TCAM Asset Management, an independent investment management company focused on the affordable housing market. In 2015, Rob launched Investor Management Services (IMS), the fastest growing SaaS platform within the CRE space. Rob leads The Finlay Family Foundation, dedicated to promoting educational initiatives and assisting children and families in need. He is an active investor in several joint ventures and limited partnerships in the commercial real estate space.
Why are you starting this business? Are you really willing to sacrifice everything?... I see it on a daily basis where the owner is not true themselves, they misunderstand what being an entrepreneur really is. They only the benefit of jeeze you can take time off whenever you want, or you can do this whenever you want, or you can give yourself a pay raise whenever you want. The number one thing to thine own self be true. Really understand the undertaking that you are doing. If you feel comfortable, do it. Do it know, don’t wait because you will find every excuse not to do it…[Listen for More]
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Tracy Repchuk started a software company at the age of 19 in 1985 and has been an entrepreneur since. She is a 7 Time #1 International bestselling author, appeared on every major TV network, spoken in over 37 countries and won awards from the Senate, Assembly, President Obama and the White House.
“My best advice is to understand that being passionate is about what you are doing is a great start…but understanding that there is a formula, there’s blue prints, there’s ways to do business. And if you want to reach millions or go beyond your own back yard then you really want to pull the right people into your life that will support that infrastructure and goal. And it is important to know what is your end game, what is you are ideal scene and then always be implementing structure and operating your business towards that goal…[Listen for More]
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Wendy Darling is the founder of the Miraculous Living Institute. With over 37 years of experience as a relationship and transformational results expert, speaker, seminar facilitator, management and organizational development consultant, master healer and coach, Wendy's has created a unique and innovative system, the Miraculous Living Method, that allows you to get the results you want with greater ease and speed. Wendy works with executives and their teams to get the results they are needing; she maintains a small number of private clients, and she trains and certifies coaches and practitioners in her transformational system. Wendy formerly hosted two of her own radio shows, and has been featured in Forbes, as well as numerous other publications. She is the #1 Amazon best-selling author of The Miracle That Is Your Life. Wendy’s clients repeatedly refer to her as their personal fairy godmother, for assisting them in turning their dreams into reality.
“I think everybody has been put on this earth to contribute something that no other person can offer…There is no one else like you…And I think that’s part of our journey to discover what it is that we do, that we offer, what our gifts are, and to develop those gifts in to skills that can translate in making an impact, making a difference in some way. And to finally recognise that is critical. And if you don’t know what your gifts are start asking around you because you will then find out what other people are seeing because a lot of the times we don’t recognising our gifts because they are typically such a natural part of who you are. But once you recognise that then use it to the best of your ability to then pay it forward to influence the lives of others in some way”…[Listen for More]
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Yuri Kruman is a Fortune 500 Personal Development Consultant, board member, startup advisor and official member of the Forbes Coaches Council and Forbes contributor. Yuri's consulting, advising and coaching portfolio includes speaking engagements, workshops and advisory work on personal + professional development focused on Employee Experience (EX), HR Transformation / Change Management, Customer Experience (CX), PR/Media and business strategy, impacting thousands of Fortune 500 and startup executives.
“work on what you can control and don’t worry about the rest”…[Listen for More]
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