Rick Elmore is an entrepreneur, sales and marketing expert. As the Founder and CEO of Simply Noted, Rick developed a proprietary technology that puts real pen and ink to paper to scale handwritten communication, helping businesses of all industries scale this unique marketing platform to stand out from their competition and build meaningful relationships with clients, customers, and employees. Founded in 2018 and based in Tempe, Arizona, Simply Noted has grown into a thriving company with clients of various sizes across the country including in hospitality, real estate, insurance, nonprofit, franchise, B2B, and others. Rick has served as the company’s CEO since its founding, for more than three years, and has over a decade of sales and marketing industry experience. “I help businesses of all industries to stand out from their competition & build meaningful relationships by using unique marketing platform”
“every person kind of has that analysis paralysis in that they don’t get started. If you don’t get started today most likely are never going to get started. And it is just getting started and taking that first step… That’s what it is to build a business, it’s just one step at a time… And you have got to be patient… It may take a long time”…[Listen for More]
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Stephen Dean first built his career in information technology, working as a developer for Hewlett-Packard and several start-ups. He received his MBA from Duke before co-founding Keona Health, where manages all facets of finance, marketing, and operations.
“I really do feel that figuring out how to get through… Life is tough… And being able to get through the hardships and being able to be comfortable with situations that are uncomfortable and that are hard and you don’t know what success is going to look like. But creating a plan and taking that next step anyway is kind of key to all of life whether you’re an entrepreneur or not”…[Listen for More]
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Josh Bremmerer, co-founder and CEO of Komodo Covers, is an innate navigator, an experienced leader in the boating industry with over a decade of experience in management and company development and a lifelong passion for boating.
“Hang in there man… It will all be okay in the end. If it’s not okay it’s not the end”…[Listen for More]
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Yong-Soo Chung left a successful career in cryptocurrency software engineering to found his first 8-figure e-commerce business Urban EDC, a venture with an impressive social media following. He then went on to launch GrowthJet, a Climate Neutral Certified third-party logistics company. Yong-Soo is passionate about sharing the lessons he's learned with other entrepreneurs so they too can start a bootstrapped company that is both profitable and sustainable.
“Start first of all. Starting can be very difficult for a lot of people. So, start and then whatever you decide on just be consistent. I think consistency is really, really important… The most important factor for survival is consistency… Really focus on something that you can control… Just having something that you can control and doing that consistently, that compounds over time. So, consistency is a really important aspect of all of this”…[Listen for More]
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Valerie Hayes is on a mission to help small businesses beat the odds and push through the roadblocks to become an industry leader. She helps overburdened entrepreneurs, small business owners, and CEOs run their companies like a high-performance sports car. Fast and effective.
“Growing your business is all about personal development. That is it in a nutshell. Yes, it is about growing your market share, maintaining profitability, protecting your profit margin, hiring the right people. But all of those decisions are made by you. If you are hunger in some negative thought process or not willing to hire people who are better than yourself… And unfortunately, it happens all of the time, entrepreneurs and small business owners are often tempted to hire B and C players because then they won’t threaten them in their position of leadership or direction for the company. So, the ability to grow your business is more about personal development than anything else ”…[Listen for More]
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Matt Ostanik is an entrepreneur who has founded four startups. In 2019 he started working on Grateful, a platform where socially good businesses do “grateful giving” by donating to their customers’ favorite nonprofits. In today’s world, social good has never been important and is a powerful tool for customer retention.
“Entrepreneurship takes incredibly hard work. It’s really a combination of three things… Entrepreneurial success… It’s having a right vision or strategy; it’s executing, executing, executing and delivering on it; but it is also having a bit of the right timing and the right product or service at the right time and place as well. But you are never going to get there without really hustling as hard as you possibly can to throw all of those things at it as well… It’s a long journey but it’s absolutely worth it… Keep going, its persistence… Persistence pays off on the entrepreneur side as well. So keep fighting, keep pushing, keep running that next race and it’s always a journey and it’s absolutely worth it”…[Listen for More]
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Kurt Wilkin is a trusted advisor for high-growth, middle-market companies as founder and managing partner of Bee Cave Capital and Co-Founder of HireBetter. With a passion for growth and a hard-earned, proven set of tools in his toolbox, Wilkin works with other entrepreneurs and CEOs to help them escape the start-up mindset and achieve next-level success.
“Keep grinding. It’s hard work, it’s glorified when you see Mark Zuckerberg and Steve jobs of the world… But it’s a grind and it’s worth it if you can continue the journey”…[Listen for More]
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Wei Deng is the founder and CEO of Clipboard Health, an app-based marketplace that matches healthcare facilities with nurses nearby, and operates in dozens of U.S. cities. It is backed by Sequoia Capital and Y Combinator. Wei was previously with Sendwave, and started her career as a lawyer.
“my best advice is to talk to customers and put one foot in front of the other. It’s like exercise. If you want to lose 50 pounds tomorrow don’t try to lose it all tomorrow. Like I mentioned progress is non-linear. I think if you lose the first couple of pounds you will see that compounding effect of wow I can do this and I just need to do more of this and it seems suddenly very doable. I think that unblocking your own psychology there is probably the most powerful thing you can do as an entrepreneur ”…[Listen for More]
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Dr. Christopher Croner is a Principal with SalesDrive, LLC, a firm that specializes in the selection and deployment of high performing salespeople. Dr. Croner is co-author of the book, Never Hire a Bad Salesperson Again. Dr. Croner developed the proprietary DriveTest® assessment and the Drive Interview for salesperson selection.
“Monitoring what you think about, and keeping in mind that you become what you think about. But also, after setting a goal rather than focusing too much on the goal… Think about the consistent process that you will use to reach that goal. So coming up with a consistent process, a consistent system… A consistent system that you can use to reach a goal… A consistent process that you can use. And focusing on the process”…[Listen for More]
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Jordan Schindler is on a mission to simplify health and wellness. As the Founder/CEO of Nufabrx, he built the #1 fastest growing company in the region as named by Charlotte Business Journal, and has developed and launched a new category of products to 8-figure revenue and nationwide retail
“This back to this idea of perseverance… It’s trying to figure out what you do and what you know better than other people. What insights do you have that you can build a business around? The other one that we have adopted is get to ‘no’. How do you try to get to an answer as fast as possible… Sometimes that no teachers us a lot”…[Listen for More]
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Best known as the founder of Beast Gear, Ben Leonard is the classic millennial entrepreneur. He built a business on a laptop, in a cupboard, in his spare time. The difference? Ben grew an international 7-figure business and successfully exited after 3 years; the business holy grail.
“Just start. Give yourself permission to start. Too many people feel oh I am not qualified to do that, I can’t do that I don’t have the right background, my degree is nothing to do with that, I have never done this before. But actually, you should just get started. Some of the best entrepreneurs of all time did that. Richard Branson sold tickets for a flight before he even had a plane. You should just get going. ”…[Listen for More]
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Rabi Gupta is a serial entrepreneur. Working alongside his current founding team for 10+ years, they have used AI to build recommendation engines, social platforms and enterprise software. His first startup iDubba/iCouchapp was a “TV show recommendations + social engagement” app that had 2M+ monthly active users at the time it got acquired. Rabi then made a bold move to Silicon Valley to start a new company. While there, Rabi became frustrated that the ability to build relationships lacked technological innovation and intelligence. And so, EvaBot was born. EvaBot is an emotionally intelligent gifting relationship solution that enables thoughtful companies to accelerate the key relationships that increase both growth and competitive advantage. With a platform built to generate emotional engagement and to collect actionable intelligence, they are the standard in amplifying the customer and employee experience, creating an unforgettable journey for the recipient and truly valuable insight for the company. Their vision is to set the standard for business relationships by using AI to personalize the physical and digital experience.
“Perseverance and determination is very important. And also, always keep learning and build a very good team. If you have your team with you, you can solve any problem ”…[Listen for More]
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Timber Barker is the CEO/Founder of Boom Interactive, a software development company that specializes in AI solutions. An advocate for making the design process easier, the technology Timber and his team have created reads, recognizes and learns from complex line drawing, floor plans, and sketches which are then used to generate real time 3D environments in the Construction (Design & Build) Industry, Education, Film and TV, Public Safety and eCommerce markets. Prior to co-founding Boom Interactive, Timber was the CEO/Owner of Studio 11k, which provided technical marketing solutions, mainly focusing on software development, web, and mobile tech. Before dabbling in the entrepreneurial space, Timber worked for notable companies such as Ernst & Young, AT&T and Citigroup. An advocate for education, Timber simultaneously serves as the Chief Technology Officer for a nonprofit called Sneak On The Lot, a filmmaking school for the younger generation that provides them with a safe and effective way to express themselves through film and the arts. During a time when many arts programs have been cut due to budgetary constraints, Timber is fighting for Sneak On The Lot to be placed in underserved schools across the country.
“You want to validate, you want to create a prototype, build a team, sacrifice and then protect. And not necessarily in that order . But you need to show those five things before you are worthy enough to ask for anyone else to give you money. and then you only have a chance. So, if you can do those five things and do them in your way and however you want to interpret those you will find more success. I truly believe if you omit any one of those it will be harder for you… I am not saying impossible but it will be harder”…[Listen for More]
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Michael Brooks is a strong believer in harmony, teamwork, loyalty and partnership. He has spent years building successful businesses with remote freelance talent and implementing strategic solutions through digital marketing and electronic payments.
“Get committed. Figure out what you are committed to”…[Listen for More]
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Jotham S Stein is the principal of the Law Offices of Jotham S. Stein P.C. He has over 20 years experience representing both high level executives and lower level employees. Stein is a graduate of Stanford Law, Princeton and is admitted to practice law in many states.
“if you have any leverage at all protect yourself on day one before you go into a relationship with anyone you are doing business with. If you are starting a small company with your family, you are better off you each protect yourself against each other in a very friendly way on day one. If you are going into a relationship starting a new company protect yourself from day one so that you don’t wind up being forced out when you take in investors and grow your company…”…[Listen for More]
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Bill Nussey is a career tech CEO with several exits, including a billion-dollar IPO. He is now launching several clean energy ventures, starting with Freeing Energy. This project started with a TED talk that grew into a top podcast, and is now a book, which hit Amazon’s #1 new release.
“show up early. You could think about that for minutes and hours and realise what it really means… But show up early. And the second thing is… And it’s kind of building on it which is be prepared. There is opportunities in your life where you don’t see it coming in something amazing is going to knock on your door. Have your ducks in a row and be ready to seize it. Plans are great but plans rarely come together. The successful people that I’ve met and worked with Cs the opportunities that they didn’t see coming and they are ready for them”…[Listen for More]
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Liam Martin is a serial entrepreneur who runs Time Doctor and Staff.com — one of the most popular time tracking and productivity software platforms in use by top brands today. He is also a co-organizer of the world's largest remote work conference — Running Remote. He just wrote a book by the same name about why everyone got remote work wrong during the pandemic and he's here today to help us figure out how to run a successful remote company
“Identify whether you are an entrepreneur or not… We talked about that before. What that means is you are someone who can’t work someone else because you don’t want to get dominated by someone else’s rules – you want to make your own. If you are in that state you are an entrepreneur. And then make failure as quick and as easy as humanly possible. That’s what I would do, whatever the idea is. The ideas may be bad, you are actually probably going to have to go through three or four ideas before you come up with one that actually gets you some traction but that is the journey. And to get very tactical actually ,I would do this for about three years. If you can’t make any money within three years, stop, something is either wrong with your ideas, your execution or yourself. You may not be an entrepreneur ”…[Listen for More]
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Jane Hanson grew up in rural Minnesota, coming to New York three decades ago to join NBC as an anchor and correspondent in NY. She co-anchored “Today in New York,” and hosted “Jane’s New York”; She covered events ranging from the tragedy of 9/11 to the joy of Yankees victory parades to Wall Street and Washington; has interviewed presidents, business leaders, prisoners, and celebrities; traveled as far as the Gobi Desert of Mongolia and the great depths miles below New York City for her special reports. Most recently, she hosted a daily entertainment and lifestyle program, New York Live, for NBC4. Jane has won 9 Emmys; was named Correspondent of the Year by New York’s Police Detectives and Firefighters, among many other awards. Jane has served as the March of Dimes Walk-America Chairman, honorary chair for the Susan B. Komen Foundation’s Race for the Cure, and as a board member of Graham Windham, Phipps Houses, the Randall’s Island Sports Foundation, the Westhampton Beach Performing Arts Center, and Telecare. She has taught at Long Island University, Stern College, and the 92nd Street Y. and was President of the New York Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. She is currently a much sought-after communications coach working with top-tier leaders in every field, while continuing to emcee, speak and host broadcasts.
“You have literally got to believe that you will succeed and you cannot let the obstacles get in your way. You must always put one foot in front of the other. It is a journey; it is not a sprint. And to be able to succeed takes a lot of what is going on in your head and your attitude… The way you keep on with life is change your attitude. So consistently keep your attitude in a good place. Don’t give up.”…[Listen for More]
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Ralf Specht is the author of “Building Corporate Soul”. He developed the Soul System™, a framework that powers culture and success for any business. After two decades with McCann Erickson in various executive roles, he was a founding partner of Spark44, an innovative, industry-first joint venture with Jaguar Land Rover. Under his leadership as CEO, Spark44 grew to a 1,200 people business in 18 countries. His second book “Beyond The Startup” shares the operational innovations that drove Spark44´s growth before it joined forces with Accenture. His driving vision is to make soulless companies a thing of the past.
“don’t take yourself too serious. Entrepreneurs need to have a huge commitment to what they are about to be doing. And every now and then you can think that there is nothing else in the world but definitely there is… There is lots outside that. So don’t take yourself too serious, and find a good balance in your private life because you will need that to manage the difficult days and nights that are up there and there will be some ”…[Listen for More]
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Joel Sandoval, CPA is a successful entrepreneur and tax mastermind, having helped business owners save $37 million in taxes. The story of his start in the tax industry goes back to the peak of the real estate market crash in 2007. He was new to the job force with one foot in the real estate industry. However, with so many people losing their homes, he was afraid he had hit a brick wall in real estate. Fortunately, the CPA at the escrow company he was employed with, shared her experience as an accountant during such a volatile time. This ignited a spark in Joel, he began talking with other CPAs which only further increased his interest in the accounting industry. Four years later, Joel officially graduated from California State University, Bakersfield with a business degree and a concentration in accounting. Starting his tax and accounting firm was step one to the massive success he has achieved today. Like many small business owners, Joel was juggling all aspects of the business alone. He was cold calling, meeting with clients, preparing and filing tax returns. Today, he owns Sandoval Tax CPAs and serves as the leader for his growing team. He has a passion for helping business owners maximize their profits by reducing their taxes. His firm has clients all over the United States which he meets with virtually on a regular basis to ensure he is doing everything he can by being proactive. Sandoval Tax CPAs on average saves business owners anywhere from $15k to $30k in taxes EVERY year. Ultimately, Joel’s wishes for the firm consist of being the top CPA firm in the country for both English and Spanish speaking business owners. Although he and his firm have already achieved great success, this is only the beginning for him and his business endeavors.
“Really have a strong mindset because if you have the right mindset, you can achieve your dreams, you can achieve your desires. But you are going to have to be able to overcome any obstacles so you might as well be prepared and train your brain to overcome those challenges”…[Listen for More]
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Fred Joyal is #1 Amazon Bestselling author, speaker, entrepreneur, and business advisor. He co-founded the most successful dentist referral service in the country:1-800-DENTIST, which, over 30 years, generated over $1 billion in revenue. Along with this achievement, he has also been awarded the Conrad Hilton Distinguished Entrepreneur Award by Loyola Marymount University, and had a successful career at one of the top advertising firms in Los Angeles; for which, as the company’s CEO, he has written over 200 television and radio commercials, written two books on marketing, dabbled in stand-up and improv comedy, acted in bad movies and excellent TV commercials.
“Start. Get up every day and start something and focus on what you need to do that day – it will aggregate. Don’t get too involved about your five or 10 year plan because nobody can predict five years from now anymore. Listen to the marketplace, listen to what your customers are telling you. A lot of people don’t do that and they don’t adjust to that. And don’t complain about the fact that your business is hard because if it were easy then everybody would be doing it. Be happy that it is hard, be excited that it is really hard and be really good at it”…[Listen for More]
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Mike Malatesta is an entrepreneur who has helped start, grow, and sell two amazingly successful waste management companies. One sold for mid-8 figures and the other sold for low-9 figures. Mike also created and host the "How'd it Happen Podcast" [200+ Episodes] where I explore stories, lessons, and wins with some of the most fascinating and successful people in the world. His new book, "Owner Shift - How Getting Selfish Got Me Unstuck" is a philosophical memoir that reveals the secret to why so many entrepreneurs get stuck and how they can SHIFT to get free once again. Following the success of his book, Mike founced Owner Shift Coaching, an exclusive and customized one-on-one coaching program for high-performing entrepreneurs and CEOs.
“Get ready for a wild ride. And I mean a wild ride in an exceptionally positive way and a wild ride in a challenging way that you can’t even anticipate. And I don’t say that to scare people but to get people prepared and ready because this is not an easy game to play but it can be very rewarding game particularly if you know… Just like a professional sports team knows they are going to get beat on a play, they are going to get hurt and things are not going to go right. Lots of things are not going to go right and you are not going to win every game but if you stick to the basics of business, you have resilience, you know that you can’t expect perfection but you also know that every single day you can get better - I think that’s what you need”…[Listen for More]
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Macy Troyer is the founder and CEO of Blossm Social Media, a social media marketing agency. She is a business owner and entrepreneur. Macy is an expert in personal branding, social media marketing, and scaling brands in both the public and private sectors and for professional athletes. Receiving her first award for entrepreneurship and innovation at 17, Macy’s most significant assets are providing solutions, growing brands online, and bringing ideas to life.
“Choose your pain because no matter what route you choose you are going to be challenged and it is going to be hard”…[Listen for More]
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Farzad Rashidi is the lead innovator at Respona, the all-in-one digital PR and link-building software that combines personalization with productivity. He also runs the marketing efforts at Visme, where he helped the company gain over 12 million active users and pass 2M monthly organic traffic.
“it’s going to be okay… Sometimes it’s easy to get freaked out about things… Knowing that mistakes happen and things don’t always go the way you want them to is part of the journey. And when you look back at it, things will always make sense and it’s not always as bad as it is in your head”…[Listen for More]
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John Connors is the co-founder and CEO of Boathouse Group, a Boston based full-service marketing and technology agency focused on how marketing can drive company performance. He has built the business over 18 years purely on referrals and a great reputation, as well as a simple idea that if you make a promise, you keep a promise. This mindset has rewarded John and his company with large success along with a high retention rate among clients. After starting his career at the largest agency in New England (Hill, Holliday) and the largest agency in the world (McCann), he launched his own firm in 2001. John has a strong belief that agencies and marketing departments have lost the respect of C-Suites and boards over the past few decades, while possessing an equally strong conviction that now is the best time in a generation to rebuild that respect based on the ability to connect strategy, data, creativity and technology.
“Get started… Stop thinking about it and get started”…[Listen for More]
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