Wei Deng is the founder and CEO of Clipboard Health, an app-based marketplace that matches healthcare facilities with nurses nearby, and operates in dozens of U.S. cities. It is backed by Sequoia Capital and Y Combinator. Wei was previously with Sendwave, and started her career as a lawyer.
“my best advice is to talk to customers and put one foot in front of the other. It’s like exercise. If you want to lose 50 pounds tomorrow don’t try to lose it all tomorrow. Like I mentioned progress is non-linear. I think if you lose the first couple of pounds you will see that compounding effect of wow I can do this and I just need to do more of this and it seems suddenly very doable. I think that unblocking your own psychology there is probably the most powerful thing you can do as an entrepreneur ”…[Listen for More]
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Dr. Christopher Croner is a Principal with SalesDrive, LLC, a firm that specializes in the selection and deployment of high performing salespeople. Dr. Croner is co-author of the book, Never Hire a Bad Salesperson Again. Dr. Croner developed the proprietary DriveTest® assessment and the Drive Interview for salesperson selection.
“Monitoring what you think about, and keeping in mind that you become what you think about. But also, after setting a goal rather than focusing too much on the goal… Think about the consistent process that you will use to reach that goal. So coming up with a consistent process, a consistent system… A consistent system that you can use to reach a goal… A consistent process that you can use. And focusing on the process”…[Listen for More]
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