Rick Elmore is an entrepreneur, sales and marketing expert. As the Founder and CEO of Simply Noted, Rick developed a proprietary technology that puts real pen and ink to paper to scale handwritten communication, helping businesses of all industries scale this unique marketing platform to stand out from their competition and build meaningful relationships with clients, customers, and employees. Founded in 2018 and based in Tempe, Arizona, Simply Noted has grown into a thriving company with clients of various sizes across the country including in hospitality, real estate, insurance, nonprofit, franchise, B2B, and others. Rick has served as the company’s CEO since its founding, for more than three years, and has over a decade of sales and marketing industry experience. “I help businesses of all industries to stand out from their competition & build meaningful relationships by using unique marketing platform”
“every person kind of has that analysis paralysis in that they don’t get started. If you don’t get started today most likely are never going to get started. And it is just getting started and taking that first step… That’s what it is to build a business, it’s just one step at a time… And you have got to be patient… It may take a long time”…[Listen for More]
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