
The Entrepreneur Way

Are you an Entrepreneur, Wantrepreneur, or Small Business Owner? Would you like new ideas, insight inspiration that you can apply from successful entrepreneurs? Be our guest and listen to our podcast to discover how other entrepreneurs are getting all of this as they commute, and as they workout in the gym, and as they jog etc. 7 days a week we interview successful entrepreneurs and talk about their journey to discover their struggle before finding success, the big ideas that made their businesses grow, and their aspirations and ideas for the future. In each episode of The Entrepreneur Way Neil chats with successful entrepreneurs as they reveal golden nuggets of information and advice. For more information go to
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The Entrepreneur Way








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Now displaying: August, 2016
Aug 31, 2016

Erika Taylor Montgomery is the CEO of Three Girls Media, a public relations and social media management agency that works with small business to raise their brand awareness and name recognition. Prior to launching Three Girls, Erika had an 18 year on-air broadcasting career in the San Francisco Bay Area.

"Reach for the stars, a lot of entrepreneurs are afraid to live up to their potential, they don’t know how to get there, set new goals for yourself no matter how small and you'll get there"...[Listen for More]

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Aug 30, 2016

Jason Hartman is a genuine self-made multi-millionaire and serial entrepreneur who has started 21 businesses in the investing, financing, real estate development,and tech spaces, and he also has owned properties in 11 states.

“Its Great to have a mission and entrepreneurial activity that you totally believe in and youre in love with and you get up every day and you just wanna take over the world with because you like the idea so much, but if you don’t, maybe the mission can be derived from this, this is what this professor i was interviewing was saying, is that, maybe you sell something, your business sells a widget that doesn’t excite you but its something that everybody needs and its just a boring item but maybe the passion comes from the fact that you don’t have a day job, that youre more free, you can determine your own destiny as an entrepreneur, so if someone listening hasn’t found that thing that really excites them then maybe they should be an entrepreneur to be in control of their own destiny”...[Listen for More]

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Aug 29, 2016

As President / CEO of Revation Systems, Perry Price builds the customer base, recruits talent and streamlines internal operations. He and Revation are dedicated to providing a secure, easy-to-use communications solution to industries such as healthcare and banking by utilizing his deep domain expertise in IP networking and communication applications.

“Don’t delay, if you want to be an entrepreneur or are one today you can probably think of 3 things that you should have done 60 days ago, get those 3 things done this week and it doesn’t really matter what they are, you can pick almost any of them”...[Listen for More]

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Aug 28, 2016

Shelley Davidescu Shelley started Clean Forks in 2013 from the ground up and replaced her 9-5 income with full time entrepreneurship in 2015, all while paying off over $25,000 of debt. She has used her experience in business and a passion for psychology to grow her business to 4 and 5 figure months. Shelley teaches heath and wellness coaches to take inspired action and share their story in a way that leads to helping more clients and makes a more positive impact today. She's been featured in some of the biggest online publications such as the Huffington Post, Mind Body Green, Fit Life Tv, Raspberry Magazine and Elite Daily.

“When youre so spread wide people are gonna get confused about what you actually do, so its really important to share what you actually do and not only to get clients but this is more important for your own personal satisfaction”...[Listen for More]

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Aug 27, 2016

Helya Mohammadian is the Founder of Slick Chicks, an innovative line of women's underwear that allows you to change in and out of them without ever lifting a foot. Her mission is to help women feel empowered and confident as they tackle all of life's daily challenges.

“Do your research, really go out there and figure out if it is something that can work, before you invest anything into it. Have the confidence to deal with it and know it’s going to take a lot of time, work and sleepless nights. You have to be ready to invest that time into it, how passionate are you? Early on you have to have the passion and drive to see your idea through, and really do the research, and have the confidence. Don’t listen to the naysayers and people who tell you it’s a stupid idea. If you have a great idea, and you’re willing to put the time in, then you can only go up from there and succeed. Make sure your product is not already out there, do the research. If you’re passionate and want to see it through, believe in yourself, you’re your biggest cheerleader”...[Listen for More]

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Aug 27, 2016

Stephen Christopher is the founder of Seequs Digital Marketing, a web marketing firm designed to help business owners achieve results they never thought possible.  Before starting Seequs, Stephen started and ran several other award winning businesses.  One of which was a mortgage company from 2004 - 2008.  With the crash of the mortgage industry in 2008, he learned what its like to go from profitable to over $100,000 in debt overnight.  From this failure he learned more about business than any school or program could ever teach.  Since then he has become an avid student of personal and business development and his number one focus is helping businesses thrive. The primary platform Stephen uses to add extreme value to businesses is the online strategy and service that his agency, Seequs, provides.

“Get some clarity. Clarity to me is simple, clarity is knowing where you want to go and where you want to be and focusing on a few things that will help you get there, don’t use things that will cloud your end result, all the little stuff that is junk will fall by the waist side which will help you get there much faster”...[Listen for More]

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Aug 25, 2016

Dr. Miluna Fausch is certified in energy healing therapy, medical intuition, vocal technique + care, Modern Day Muse Group Leading, and is an Holistic Health Counselor Practitioner. She has a B.S. in Music Business and a Ph.D. in Holistic Psychology. Dr. Miluna is a Voiceworks® Associate and certified to Level III Somatic Voicework & singing teacher. Further studies include acting, Care of the Professional Voice and the Artist’s Brain. Her experience includes over 20 years in Show Business as a Singer, SAG-AFTRA Actor, Vocal Coach, Vocal Producer, Lyricist, and Entrepreneur. Miluna has performed at venues including Blues Alley in Washington, DC and the Cabaret Series at Whittier College in California.She carries a Swiss passport, loves bling, bold red wines, follows Formula 1 auto racing, and has a slight addiction to Jelly Bellys.

"Go with in and find that thing that lights you up – that torch that lights your way. That when when you feel it in your heart, you feel your heart expanding, you feel the excitement, you dance, you want to turn up your voice and find your voice and share because this thing, this passion and this talent, this gift that you’re given, that you came in with is the thing that will change everything. Don’t ever let anyone turn that down or don’t be discouraged ever. Find the voice, find your magic in that voice, turn it up and get out there and do this thing"...[Listen for More]

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Aug 24, 2016

Mark Asquith is a serial entrepreneur who has built globally successful design & marketing, SaaS and digital businesses since he quit his job in 2005. A passionate podcaster, perpetual learner and helpful bloke, Mark has an adoring wife, a giant dog and an embarrassing beard.

Just work hard at what you want to work hard at. And make sure that you do the things that are important not just the things that you are interested in. The reason that I say that is you can’t just do the things that you find interesting  because you are in business for yourself because that is a sure fire way to defeat. So what you have got to do is make sure that you are doing the things that are important and move the needle in your business whilst maintaining that air of interest. You know making sure that you doing things that you like. If you can tow that line, if you can stay within those parameters you’ll not go far wrong...[Listen for More]

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Aug 23, 2016

Vanessa Cullen is the Principal of Forward Thinking Design, one of Australia's leading boutique interior architecture studios & has owned her own business since 2003. Vanessa holds a Bachelor of Design (Hons, UNSW) & a Postgraduate Diploma in Museum Studies (Deakin), is an Accredited Member of the Design Institute of Australia, is the Junior Vice President of the NSW Chapter of the Australian Shop and Office Fitting Association. She is also the face behind the plant based health and clean-eating website More Than PKD - a social enterprise she created to empower people to take control of their own health and to reach their full potential.

“My best advice would be to make sure that you take care of yourself first. And what I mean by that is that if you turn up to your business every day in an exhausted state, if you don’t eat right, you don’t sleep, you don’t exercise, you don’t spend time with your family. If you don’t even out your pursuits you can’t give 100% when you don’t have 100% to give. So it’s sort of like the whole thing about you have got to take care of the source. I mean if you have got dirty tap water because it is coming from a dirty source then what are you going to be drinking, and what are you going to be giving to your guests? Its going to be dirty tap water. You are going to go back to the source and make sure that the source is clean. And from there what flows will be clean and clear and useful and vibrant and healthy for everyone. And business is the same thing. If you as the source are not in a good state then how can you expect to service your customers well? To lead your team well? To execute whatever it is you do well? You need to make sure that you actually taking care of yourself first. And that is not selfish in any way, shape or form. That is just the only way that you are going to survive and it is the only way you are going to thrive in business is you need to make sure that you are healthy. Because you still want to be around at the end of it to enjoy everything that you have worked for”...[Listen for More]


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Aug 20, 2016

Nick Lavidge is the founder & CEO of Alley Group, one of Australia’s fastest growing startups, a hybrid between digital marketing agency and big data house, that specialises in increasing customer count and revenue for online retailers. With a starting capital of $8,000 he has built a team of 11 employees across two countries in two years with an annual turnover of AUD $3.7million. Nick forecasts AUD $10million in turnover for this calendar year. Nick is originally from Phoenix, Arizona and in 2008 graduated from LA’s USC Marshall School of Business, with a degree in finance and entrepreneurship. While studying, Nick continued down the entrepreneurial path, first turning a friend’s online sunglass business into a $100,000 a year job. He then co-founded a voice recognition business called Moshi, which later sold for $8million. Nick says ‘this was like Siri, before Siri was invented.’

“To be easy on yourself. I think it is really, really common for entrepreneurs can go through what is called a trough of sorrow where they doubt themselves. I think you taking the leap and trying to do something on your own is really admirable. So be kind of easy on yourself as you go and to really believe in yourself. But also trust in others that they also have some good ways of looking at the situation and trying take everything into consideration when you are growing your business”...[Listen for More]

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Aug 20, 2016

Alex Louey is the co-founder of Appscore an award-winning mobile-first digital agency. Founded in 2010, Appscore has grown in leaps and bounds and has revenue projections of $25 million for 2017. They are also an accredited partner of some of the biggest names in mobility such as Apple, Telstra, Samsung and Microsoft.

“Do something that you believe and love, if what you’re doing now , youre doing it because youll make a tonne of money, stop it right now because youll end up hating it"...Listen for More

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Aug 20, 2016

A seasoned digital media entrepreneur, Andrew Fischer is the CEO and Co-Founder of Choozle, the leading self-service programmatic digital marketing platform which now powers media execution for over 800+ global advertisers. Prior to Choozle, Andrew co-founded and built the RGM Alliance, a premium focused online advertising network that reaches over 120 MM consumers in the US. Andrew holds a BA in Economics from Vanderbilt, and an MBA from UCLA’s Anderson School of Business.

“Don’t give up”...Listen for More

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Aug 11, 2016

Abhi Lokesh is the co-founder and CEO at Fracture, the modern decor company aiming to change the way you print and display your favorite digital images. His focus is on marketing, finances, overall company growth and strategy, team-building, and eating all the peanut butter.

“Really push yourself to not stop at the ideation phase and make something happen. Push yourself to test, to prototype, to build and have something in front of you that you can take pride in before you give up on it. I think this world is littered with half baked ideas that are great but people didn’t have the persistence to simply go that extra step, even if it might not be perfect just get it out there and create a mobile prototype. I think people get hung up on trying to do things perfectly the first time when they should just take baby steps and gain momentum”...[Listen for More]

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Aug 11, 2016

As a funding strategist, John Livesay helps Tech CEOs craft a compelling pitch that engages investors to fund their startup. He hosts The Successful Pitch podcast with investor from around the world . John won salesperson of the year during his 20 year career at Conde Nast.

“Don’t go it alone, it’s a lonely job if you try to do it by yourself, you need to collaborate, you need to get out and share ideas and get help”...[Listen for More]

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Aug 11, 2016

Cailen Ascher is a Clarity Coach for women entrepreneurs & coaches. She helps her clients get business clarity by working on their vision, mindset and plan for success. Cailen’s been featured in Business Insider, The Huffington Post and was the 2014 Gold Stevie Award winner for Young Female Entrepreneur of the Year. Her coaching and teachings have helped 1000s gain Business Clarity.

“The journey has to align with the destination. If you can work to align the journey and the destination you’re setting yourself up for success”...[Listen for More]

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Aug 11, 2016

One-Click Lindsey is a web strategy expert working with small business owners to help them utilize the web to produce more website traffic and leads. Lindsey Anderson is the founder and CEO Traffic And Leads that specializes in driving traffic, getting leads and the art of nurturing leads to become lifelong clients. One-Click Lindsey is an expert in landing pages, email sequences, search engine ranking, newsletters, analytics, social media, pay-per-click ads, websites, blogging … the list goes on. She knows how to utilize the myriad of online marketing options to generate more traffic and leads which produces more paying clients.

“Stay consistent, pick an avenue and keep on going”...[Listen for More]

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Aug 9, 2016

With over 20 years of Personal Development training and a 4-year active duty enlistment in the United States Coast Guard, Anthony M Drago is now a Peak Performance Strategist who trains the youth in the areas of personal development, speed, agility, quickness and proper body mechanics while using basketball as the vehicle to teach vital life lessons.

“Believe in yourself, no one will believe in you if you don’t believe in yourself first. How will you convince people to give you a loan, become a client or book you for a speech if you don’t believe in yourself first. You have to believe in yourself; sometimes you have to let others believe in you, if there’s people around you who believe in you, listen to what you say”...[Listen for More]

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Aug 9, 2016

Shonda Taylor aka...the Tour de Force of Transformation, mentors her clients to get clear and ditch the fear, go from petrified to positioned, purge their need for perfection, embrace their expertise, take their message from “meh” to mesmerizing so they can make more money and change more lives...including their own!

“Begin with the end in mind, start by knowing the exact outcome you really want to accomplish for yourself, your business and your clients. Once you know where you’re going, it’s really easy to set your course and stay on path”...[Listen for More]

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Aug 9, 2016

Michelle McQuaidis a best-selling author, workplace wellbeing teacher and playful change activator. With more than a decade of senior leadership experience in large organizations around the world, she’s passionate about translating cutting-edge research from positive psychology and neuroscience, into practical strategies for health, happiness, and business success. An honorary fellow at Melbourne University’s Graduate School of Education, she blogs for Psychology Today, Huffington Post and Live Happy and her work has been featured in Forbes, the Harvard Business Review, the Wall Street Journal, Boss Magazine, The Age and more.

“Just do it, just leap, often we hesitate, it’s just life so get in there and play with it and see what works, take some reasonable risks and see how they pay off and then take the next risk”...[Listen for More]

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Aug 9, 2016

Dr Elaine Saunders is an award-winning audiologist, businesswoman and social entrepreneur who has worked in hearing research and technology for forty years. She is Managing Director and Co-founder of Blamey Saunders hears, the Australian hearing aid and telehealth company, and Adjunct Professor of Swinburne University of Technology. She is also Non-Executive Director of the Australian National Fabrication Facility (ANFF) and a former Non-Executive Director of Alfred Health. In 2016 Dr Saunders was awarded the prestigious Clunies Ross science Medal for Entrepreneur of the Year.

“If you know you’re doing the right thing then persist, which goes contrary to a lot of things which says fast fail, but perhaps that’s because you haven’t put enough thought in, so I’d give it more than a first pass at something I’d really try and persist”...[Listen for More]

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Aug 9, 2016

Rune Sovndahl, co-founder and CEO of Fantastic Services, has built his domestic services business from scratch. Nowadays, they serve domestic and corporate clients not only across the UK, but also in Australia and the USA. Rune has a varied career history and is a firm believer in your experience helping shape your success. With a naval background, as a trained chef and having held roles in British brands, BT and, he has built up an extensive range of accomplishments.

“Get ready to work hard and long. Always find the most cost effective way to grow your business, always be checking where and how much you spend on your acquisition of customers. The last couple of years during the recession, people looked at it costs this and this, we can grow x amount of customers look at the lifetime value of the customer. No matter what the lifetime value of the customer expect it to be less than that, and always look at continuing using the most cost effective channel that brings you customers in”...[Listen for More]

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Aug 9, 2016

Larry Winget is a bestselling author, television personality, social commentator and internationally acclaimed speaker. His newest book, Grow A Pair: How To Stop Being a Victim and Take Back Your Life, Your Business and Your Sanity is a New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller. He has also written five additional New York Times/Wall Street Journal bestselling books that have been translated into over 20 languages including Shut Up, Stop Whining and Get A Life; You’re Broke Because You Want To Be; It’s Called Work For A Reason; People Are Idiots And I Can Prove It; and Your Kids Are Your Own Fault. Larry has starred in his own television series on A&E, two PBS specials and two CNBC specials. He has appeared on Dr. Phil, The Today Show, Tool Academy, The Big Idea, Larry King, and in three national television commercials. Larry is a regular contributor on many national television news shows on the topics of success, business, personal finance, and parenting. He is also a member of the Speaker Hall Of Fame and is the trademarked Pitbull of Personal Development®.

“Get three sheets of paper, on the first write how your life, business, career, finances, relationships looks right now, on the second how you’d like it to look, on the third what you’ll give up to get there. Success is based on sacrifice; we have too many idiots out there telling you you can have it all, no you can’t you’re going to have to choose. It’s going to come down to what are you going to sacrifice. You don’t get more success, you give up what’s keeping you from being successful, you don’t get rich, you give up what’s making you broke, you don’t get skinny, you give up what’s making you fat, you don’t get happy you give up what’s making you unhappy. So what are you going to give up to get from where you are to where you want to be”...[Listen for More]

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Aug 9, 2016

Steve Rodgers, founder and CEO of Alchemy Advisors, is a business and lifestyle consultant, and also an author. He is dedicated to helping others discover, maximize, and increase their highest good and purpose in life and business.” Steve was the CEO of Warren Buffet's California Prudential Realty Company after just 14 years and he went on to start and run the fifth largest real estate company in San Diego in less than one year and now gives back by helping others find their own unique success and happiness. Steve is highly regarded by many prominent figures such as Brian Tracy and John Assaraf and Marshall Goldsmith. His first book, “Lead to Gold” An entrepreneurs guide through transition and transformation” was just released in June.

“I always ask with my clients, who they can forgive that they’re not forgiving or who needs to forgive them that they’ve not asked for forgiveness from"...[Listen for More]

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Aug 8, 2016

When he’s not covered in flour, you’ll find Brad Sterl is trolling through farmers’ markets, visiting local growers or creating new recipes for Rustic Crust and American Flatbread pizza. “You’ll always find me working with fresh, all natural ingredients.” As CEO, Sterl is dedicated to his mission of offering healthier options.

“You have to take a risk, being an entrepreneur is not without risk. You have to be willing to take that risk, and some people are comfortable with high levels of risk. Don’t be afraid to fail, you’re going to fail, failure is a great education. Keep moving forward, entrepreneurs need to be good at rejection and failure because it happens all the time, if you’re not excited about what you do you should not be an entrepreneur in that process. You have to be ready for the speed bumps that come along the way, if you don’t think about how to change them and accept them they can become walls”...[Listen for More]

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Aug 7, 2016

Dale Nirvani Pfeifer is changing the way we connect online by making social giving simple. Her company, GoodWorld, is fueling the next wave of seamless, charitable donations made with just a hashtag: #donate. An award-winning researcher, Dale has also worked with organizations across the U.S. and New Zealand to help them understand their purpose and deliver cutting-edge programs and communications strategies.

“Don’t Stop. If you really believe in your heart that you’re being authentic in your mission, really pushing forward on an idea that you’re passionate about don’t let anyone stop you"...[Listen for More]

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