Dr Nate Regier, Ph.D., is CEO and cofounding owner of Next Element, a global leadership training and certification firm specializing in adaptive communication and positive conflict skills. He’s an expert in social-emotional intelligence and leadership, positive conflict, and group dynamics. Nate is a co developer of Next Element’s Leading Out of Drama® training and coaching system and a Process Communication Model® certifying master trainers. He has authored two books, Beyond Drama: Transcending Energy Vampires and just released Conflict Without Casualties: A Field Guide for Leading With Compassionate Accountability. He is also an enthusiastic dad and husband.
“Find and create balance between these 3 things, openness, resourcefulness and persistence, they’re all necessary but not sufficient to be successful, use them all every day and don’t get stuck. Entrepreneurs often will air on the side of resourcefulness, they’re creative, they love to create things but they fail because of lack of persistence or they get so focussed on their own stuff that they don’t get open and transparent and vulnerable and curious, they lose touch with themselves and with the world around them”…[Listen for More]
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