Robert Clinkenbeard is the CEO of The Radix Group. He is an entrepreneur, an author, senior leader in EO and a four time Ironman. He is a serial entrepreneur having sold his $20M company and now has several franchises, multiple real estate investments, the largest Peer Group facilitation company in the US.
“making sure that blocking off time. I call it QTBs (Quality Time Blocks). Block of times within your week to make sure you are either working on an important project that will take your business to another level. Or it might be a case of looking at your business from a different perspective and learning and finding out how can I take my business to the next level. It’s really easy to get caught up in other people’s agendas and their schedules and their demands on hot topics. But unless you have that time blocks and you get away from things and be able to think on and work on your business then you are going to struggle onto the next level ”…[Listen for More]
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