Alex Vorobieff is the founder and CEO of The Alex Vorobieff Company, a premier business-transformation company. A highly sought-after speaker and business coach, Alex has transformed scores of multi-million-dollar companies into unstoppable forces using “business alignment tools”—a term he coined after years of working with and investigating different business systems that were not named in the business lexicon. Alex specializes in helping large companies get their team members on the same page to achieve desired outcomes. Through his company, he assists frustrated leaders in finding their unique starting lines, selecting the best alignment tools for their specific situations, and finally achieving clarity from chaos in their businesses. Alex holds his MBA from UCLA’s Anderson School of Management after graduating from University of Southern California with a BS in business with an emphasis on accounting. In addition to solving thorny business problems, Alex enjoys pursuing his hobby of photography. He lives in Newport Beach, California, with his family.
“It’s not going to go the way you assumed it’s going to go, it’s not going to go in a straight line, it’s going to take a while, there’s going to be failure, but how you take the feedback of failure and tweak your offering or what you’re trying to help bring to market, that’s the real essential, is how you respond when things don’t go according to plan, because that will happen, that is the only guarantee”…[Listen for More]
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