Joe Pippins is a father of 3 and is native to Kansas, KC USA. He invented a new way to enjoy fishing without family and friends. Joe and his product, The Fishing Caddy was featured on Steve Harvey's Fundedome on ABC.
“Stay connected with other entrepreneurs, this way of life that we have and the way our brains think is sometimes a very rare thing. If you have, your friends who you grew up with, your friends who are not entrepreneurs, they don’t really understand why we like staying up until 3 O’clock in the morning doing what we do or why we would invest so much time and energy into something without seeing immediate results, not to knock those friends who are not entrepreneurs but they’re more comfortable with the 9-5, they’re more comfortable with knowing they’re going to make X number of dollars whereas us entrepreneurs we’re quite bold, we’re very courageous but sometimes if you’re not around other entrepreneurs you’ll start to believe that what you’re doing and the process of entrepreneurship is not fruitful but if you’re around other entrepreneurs that’s the exact opposite” …[Listen for More]
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