Debbie Lynn Grace is a Transformational Leader, Author, 30+ year marketing and business growth expert. Besides being an energy worker and intuitive. Debbie’s online business and transformational programs on removing energy blocks to create massive success have impacted hundreds of thousands of people worldwide over the last 27 years.
“stay true to your values. Don’t work with anybody, don’t align with anybody, don’t develop a relationship with anybody, don’t hire anybody that’s not in alignment with your personal values because it just won’t work out. Ultimately it won’t work out. Don’t ever ever, ever override your gut instinct. If you got a good instinct about something about a direction to go that’s completely different than what you were doing but it’s definitely gut instinct, follow it. If you have a gut instinct not to work with somebody or take somebody’s money even though you have to pay your bills don’t do it because it will cost you more”…[Listen for More]
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