Dr. Jackie Noelke, MA, EdD has a doctorate in leadership, owns 3 businesses, including an agency where she helps entrepreneurs have 6 figure launches. After overcoming agoraphobia the guiding value of her business is gratitude, a state she contributes to her success. You can connect with Jackie at her new store The SheEO Store for resources and tips related to business, marketing, and paid traffic that converts.
“work on your fear of judgement… You are not going to be able to please everyone, not everyone is going to be your biggest fan and you are really not making it until you have haters… When you put yourself out there a lot sometimes you are going to get people who aren’t jamming with it and that’s fine. Just like you don’t jam with everybody’s message either. So, I just really encourage you to step out of that because your vision is bigger than that, your vision is important and you are not serving anyone by holding back. So, don’t hold back, go for it, get your message out there, get visible and just know that your people will find you through that. And the people that don’t need to work with you don’t matter in that instance. Don’t let them dictate what you may or may not say and where you are going to go and how your business will succeed”…[Listen for More]
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