Christine Kane is the founder of Uplevel You™, a multimillion-dollar business coaching company based in Asheville, NC, which was a natural evolution from her 15-year career as a touring singer-songwriter with her own record label. Both businesses were built from scratch without a single investor. Learning as she went, Kane did it all step-by-step and now shares this wisdom with her clients, so they finally get it, apply it, and succeed on their own terms. Her company’s masterminds, trainings, and events draw entrepreneurs from around the world.
“at its core your business is the territory of your own personal growth or your soul’s growth if you want to put it that way… I would say to keep that in mind. What that means is that your business is always speaking to you. Your business is always calling you out of your stuck spots, your conditioning and waking you up if you let it and if you can trust that”…[Listen for More]
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