Tim Piccirillo built an entertainment talent agency, a career as a comedy magician and as a sought-after education market speaker--all while living in a very rural area of Pennsylvania in the US. He currently works with small and medium-sized businesses as a marketing consultant, copywriter and trainer.
“if you have a business or a passion or a cause or whatever it is that you are trying to build, even if it is a non-profit, and you really believe in it don’t give up until you get there… Until you get where you want to be. Because I am thoroughly convinced that failure does not have to be an option. You are going to fail along the way but ultimate failure and building whatever you want is doable, I don’t care what it is. I say now anything is possible. I used to say virtually anything is possible, no pun intended because I am an online guy, but I know anything anything is possible if you have the passion and the drive. In the second piece of advice is this whole game of technology people my age, and 59, you are never too old to learn…” (4 Lines minimum – if less then need more quotes) …[Listen for More]
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