Born and raised in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Philip Catudal is a globe-trotting, food and language loving, serial entrepreneur. He is a Cancer survivor; a top MBA degree Honor’s graduate; a NASM-CPT Hollywood Celebrity Trainer; and, most important of all to him, a proud father of three.
“Start right now. That doesn’t mean go and quit your day job and give everything up today. If you are in a place to do that then great… someone once gave me another great piece of advice, they said what you do in your spare time when you are not at your job, that is a great indicator of who you are and how badly you want something… every single day you should be doing something for that. So maybe register the .com domain, register the LLC, maybe spend 20 minutes doing this on your spare time when you’re not working… just do it… it doesn’t mean all or nothing I guess you could start small and do something every day towards your goal and it is going to happen quicker than you realise”…[Listen for More]
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